Saturday 17 August 2013

Week Two

On to the second week, it's all going so fast already had some amazing dives with sightings of turtles and massive parrot fish. Had a slight injury from arm wrestling the locals so had to stay dry for the latter part but that gave me plenty of time to get learning and revising for species tests. Now passed benthic and have an inverts test tomorrow so will soon be surveying every day which I can wait for

Been adventuring around the island with my spare time, had a great walk up to a waterfall which was a long hike but well worth it for the swim at the top in the freezing water. 

- refreshing swim !

Same as last week had some great food at Voulaz and Phillipes, it's so nice to be sat here looking out from a tropical bar with local rum and this for a view:

- View from Phillipes

Had another weekend trip today to Nosy Komba the island opposite ours, incredibly beautiful place, no roads very few people but loads and loads of lemurs. The local craftsmen have carved some great masks and statues that I will be going back for on my next journey if I can work out how to get them home. And to finish of a great day we had a local buffet with freshly caught tuna, vanilla rice and the luxury of chips !

Coming up this week we have more tests more dives and more fun ! This has already been an amazing trip so far and would definitely recommend it to anyone that is wanting to explore this amazing island. 

- Cheeky lemur trying to steal my camera

- Mobbed by king Julian and his troops

- Big boa

- Friendly chameleon 

- A beautiful island, untouched

- Interesting way to dry your washing

- Nice hotel, a bit different to our camp !